
Mackline Anyango

Attends Kisii National Polytechnic and is working on a degree in Hospitality.

Nelson Mandela

Attended Mawego Training Technical Institute and is a certified plumber.

Karen Achieng

Attended the “Dago Threads of Hope” tailoring school and is now certified in tailoring.

Naomi Omyango

Attends Kisumu National Polytechnic and is working on a degree in Social Work and Community Development.

Eve Akoth

Attends Eldoret National Polytechnic and is working on a degree in Tourism.

Sponsor a Student

We continue to work with our students who are high school graduates but did not make it to university, to get into a great vocational school so they can get a trade that will allow them to make a great living.

Students at the Dago Tailoring School:

Karen Achieng, Mercy Akoth, Millicent Angango, Molyne Achieng, Rose Achieng Nyaura, Roselyne Akinyi Ouma, Sherine Awuor, Violet Atieno Abaya, Winnie Akoth Odira

Announcing the new Dago Tailoring School we have opened with some partners. Here are a couple of pictures from the school. The students have made masks for everyone in the village (they have been doing this with masks and keeping their social distancing) for everyone in the village. These are some of the benefits when you sponsor a student, they go on to make an impact in their community at large.

Kenyan children wearing masks - child education sponsorship in Kenya

Some of our achievements

  • 182 Scholarships Awarded
  • 101 students currently in high school
  • 54 students have graduated high school.
  • 4 students have graduated university.
  • 16 students have graduated vocational school.
  • In Dago Kenya we have more than doubled the number of students graduating from high school and the average KCPE score has gone up by 40%. And the gap between the girls and boys has gone done from 20% to 3%.
  • We have scaled our holistic business model from one community to five.
  • We have one of our high school graduates attending Elmhurst University in the United States